Useless Boomer Skills that Are Currently Obsolete

Technology and digital devices play a crucial role in our daily lives. There was a time when things weren’t so instantaneous. Check out these 15 obsolete boomer skills.

Reading a map

Reading a map – Pinterest/@flickr

People were adventurous to their core when digital technology wasn’t around. 


When traveling, the first thing people would do was get a map of the new city they were in or going to so they could navigate it easily. Exploring new places, or even your own hometown, with a map in your hands was common. It was a literal life-saving item, but now, maps are more of a decoration or collector’s item.

Nowadays, we can rely on GPS and easily add the address we want to reach, making travel more convenient. What’s more, we have our destinations narrated for us by the GPS system, so we don’t even have to look at it and can simply drive or walk as we receive instructions to our destination.