British Celebrity Fortunes That Will Blow Your Mind

Explore the wealth and success of British celebrities in our in-depth article. Discover the financial impact of blockbuster franchises, critically acclaimed films, endorsements, and more on the lives of these renowned figures.


18. J.K. Rowling – £ 792 million

J.K. Rowling – Walter McBride/WireImage/Getty Images

The author of one of the most famous book series in the world, J.K. Rowling has sold over 500 million copies of the ‘Harry Potter’ series worldwide. 

Besides being a book, Harry Potter has become a transmediatic product that includes video games, clothing and accessory items, and even a whole themed park inside the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. 

All of these, along with the huge success of the movie adaptations and their sequels, explain the author’s immense fortune.