Airplane Travel Hacks You’ll Be Glad You Know

While we may not have control over every travel detail, there are many easy steps we can take to enhance our comfort and enjoyment while airplane travelling. Explore our carefully selected 15 fantastic tips to elevate your travel experience.

10. Bring a travel pillow and blanket

Travel pillow @sonyayahi/Pinterest

If enhancing your comfort during a flight is essential then a travel pillow and blanket should be in your utmost-importance-travel-items-list!


Travel pillows provide neck and head support, helping you sleep more comfortably in an upright position. With proper support for your neck and head, you’re less likely to wake up with a sore neck or shoulders and will feel more refreshed upon arrival, reducing travel fatigue.

Also, travel pillows and blankets are designed with travel in mind, providing the right balance of comfort and portability. You can adjust them to suit your preferences, ensuring a comfortable journey.