Titanic Artifacts and The Sad Stories Behind Them

Learn more about the recovered artifacts from the Titanic and the stories and new insights they bring to one of the most tragic sinkings of all time.

09. Binocular Box Key

The keys to the binocular box – Titanic Belfast

Perhaps using binoculars could have helped the crew spot the iceberg earlier, or perhaps it still wouldn’t have been enough. The thing is, the crew probably didn’t remember the possibility of using the binoculars, since they didn’t have the key to the box. However, the key to the binocular box of the Titanic’s crew was inside the pocket of Second Officer David Blair. 


David Blair was supposed to depart on the Titanic but was assigned to another sailing at the last minute, taking the binocular box key with him. A crew member who survived later told the inquiry that if they had the binoculars, they might have been able to locate the iceberg sooner.