Everyday Common Things You’re Probably Using Incorrectly

Everyday, we unknowingly misuse common items. In this article we bring you curiosities on how to properly use them and simplify daily tasks.

02. Hole in the handle of a pan

Hole in the handle of a pan @wildaboutchuck/Pinterest – @tacorelish/Pinterest

Even though cooking is a fun activity, it can involve intricate techniques and numerous steps. Therefore, any advice to simplify, keep things neat, and stay organized in the kitchen is welcome.


A daily ally is the hole in pan handles!

It serves precisely two purposes: other than allowing you to hang your pans, it acts as a handy holder for kitchen utensils like wooden spoons, preventing messy spills and making your cooking experience more efficient.

It is a small but thoughtful design feature that adds convenience to your culinary routine keeping your utensils close while you cook.