Top 10 Places Ruined by Tourism

It’s a common sight: iconic destinations overwhelmed by hordes of tourists. But what happens when the allure of these places leads to their downfall? Join us in this eye-opening journey as we reveal the top 10 destinations that have fallen victim to the unintended consequences of tourism.

01. Machu Picchu, Peru

places ruined by tourism
Machu Pichu @Mailanmaik/Pixabay

Machu Picchu, perched majestically amidst Peru’s rugged terrain, is a marvel of human history.


However, the joy of visiting this iconic site has been marred by a concerning issue: litter left behind by tourists has turned Machu Pichu into one of the places ruined by tourism.

Despite its enduring charm, Machu Picchu has struggled to maintain its pristine condition due to irresponsible disposal of trash.

But here’s the heartwarming part: positive changes are happening. The introduction of strategically placed trash bins offers an easy solution for responsible waste disposal.

When planning your visit to this incredible location, remember that it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect it. 
