LGBTQ+ Celebrities Who Are Proud to Be Themselves

Not long ago, entertainment celebrities had to choose between their careers or coming out and being who they are. Nowadays queer representation is everywhere and way more posivitive. Meet the LGBTQ celebrities who are out and proud.


Halsey – Adam Kudeimati

Halsey has always been outspoken and visible about their sexuality and worked with many pro-LTBTQ organizations. The singer has addressed biphobia and the erasure of bisexuality, with people often dismissing it as ‘a phase.’ Halsey has consistently expressed their attraction to all genders in their music videos and songs.


In 2018, Halsey delivered a powerful speech at the GLAAD Media Awards: “I’m a young, bisexual woman, and I’ve spent a large part of my life trying to validate myself — to my friends, to my family, to myself — trying to prove that who I love and how I feel is not a phase. It’s not part of some confusion that’s going to change or could be manipulated.”

Halsey has announced that their personal pronouns are both she/her and they/them.