LGBTQ+ Celebrities Who Are Proud to Be Themselves

Not long ago, entertainment celebrities had to choose between their careers or coming out and being who they are. Nowadays queer representation is everywhere and way more posivitive. Meet the LGBTQ celebrities who are out and proud.

Cara Delevingne

Cara Delevingne – @caradelevingne/Instagram

The model and actress Cara Delevingne publicly stands up to demand respect for her bisexuality.


Bisexuals are often invalidated when accused of not having a whole and complete sexual orientation and identity. Binary ideals push bisexuals into a ‘this or that’ logic that doesn’t fit their identity. Bisexual individuals have their own category and embrace all genders in their feelings, identities, and relationships.

Therefore, Cara Delevingne has suffered from biphobia many times, even once by a Vogue writer who implied that her sexuality was just a phase. Cara responded to this commentary by reaffirming that her sexuality is not a phase. To The New York Times in 2015, she stated, ‘People should be allowed to be who they are, and others need to stop putting them in a box’.