DIY Fails: The Weirdest Projects We’ve Ever Seen

When working on a DIY project you can really express yourself and allow creativity to take over. However, sometimes things can go a bit out of control. Check out the weirdest DIY fails.

Faucet… or shower

A faucet being used as a shower – @mutantbabysnort/Reddit

You’ve got to work with what you have!


This DIY fail shows some engineering mindset at work. Whoever did this probably faced an unpredictable situation with their shower and had to think quickly to solve this problem, or they wouldn’t have been able to shower.

Showering with a faucet definitely doesn’t seem like a comfortable and relaxing situation, but it does seem better than not showering. In this case, the choice was between hygiene and comfort, and this person chose hygiene. We’re proud of you!