Cat memes that will instantly make your day better

They bring vivacity to our homes with their playful and distinctive personalities, making them the perfect subjects for heartwarming and humorous photos. Take a look at some cat memes that are sure to brighten your day.

03. The routine of a cat person


“Oh my god! Look at this cute cat!” and “I don’t have this color yet.” Does it sound familiar? It’s not easy resisting the temptation of adopting every cat we see on the streets. So, if we can’t bring them home with us, we will at least try to make a new friend.


Every stray cat shall be petted and befriended! (If they let us get close.) That is the law. It doesn’t matter if they are dirty, may have fleas or other health issues; they still deserve love. Even if our generosity is later punished by our own cats once we get home and have to go through their inspection. Once they smell other cats on our clothes, we may have to face the silent treatment.