Cat memes that will instantly make your day better

They bring vivacity to our homes with their playful and distinctive personalities, making them the perfect subjects for heartwarming and humorous photos. Take a look at some cat memes that are sure to brighten your day.

09. I’m here to see your cat, not you!


Becoming friends with as many cats as possible is one of the greatest joys in life. Whether they are a family cat, a stray cat, or a friend’s cat, we try our luck in gaining their trust. And it happens slowly.


Every time you visit your relatives’ or friends’ homes, you interact a little more, and any sign that their cat is becoming more comfortable around you is a great achievement.

One day, you are getting the cat to let you pet them, and the next day, you two are best friends. You may or may not visit your relatives or your friends just to spend time with their cat…