Explore fascinating Amish facts

If you haven’t yet heard about the Amish or already know a bit about them and would like to know more, hop on; it’s history time!
First of all, the Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology. Yes, there are still groups of people who do not engage in technology even though in most parts of the world, it can be hard not to be connected all the time.
The history of the Amish can be traced back to the 16th-century Reformation in Europe.
The Amish live in close-knit communities, often in rural areas, and emphasize a strong sense of community and mutual support.
Additionally, learn all the facts you didn’t know about the Amish in the article below:
They are a Christian Anabaptist religious group

A Christian Anabaptist religious group is a community of believers who adhere to the Anabaptist tradition within Christianity.
The term ‘Anabaptist’ means ‘rebaptizer,’ reflecting one of the distinctive beliefs of the movement: the rejection of infant baptism and the practice of baptizing believers who have made a voluntary confession of faith. Therefore, Amish baptism usually occurs somewhere between 18 and 22 years old.
Many Anabaptist groups emphasize the separation of the church from the state and believe in the autonomy of the local church, rejecting the use of state power to enforce religious beliefs. Anabaptist communities often highlight simple living, humility, and community support.
They also frequently embrace pacifism, advocating for nonviolence and the refusal to bear arms. This commitment is rooted in their interpretation of Jesus’ teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount.