Trucos para viajar en avión que te alegrará saber

Si bien no podemos controlar todos los detalles del viaje, hay muchas medidas sencillas que podemos tomar para mejorar nuestra comodidad y disfrute mientras viajamos en avión. Explore nuestros 15 fantásticos consejos cuidadosamente seleccionados para mejorar su experiencia de viaje.


05. Bring snacks and drinks

Snacks and drinks @squarespace/Pinterest 

It is of utmost importance to stay well fed, especially during long distance flights!

Although airplane food may not always meet your expectations and airport food is usually pricey, packing some healthy snacks like nuts, granola bars, pretzels or dried fruits will keep your energy levels up and avoid overspending.

A great hack is to pack dry food, since it will not spill and you won’t have to worry about having to clean up your bag or your seat.