Trucos para viajar en avión que te alegrará saber

Si bien no podemos controlar todos los detalles del viaje, hay muchas medidas sencillas que podemos tomar para mejorar nuestra comodidad y disfrute mientras viajamos en avión. Explore nuestros 15 fantásticos consejos cuidadosamente seleccionados para mejorar su experiencia de viaje.


15. Bring a book or magazine

Reading @juliebredkjaer/Instagram – @mmmuaina/Pinterest

Having offline entertainment can help you unwind and relax throughout your journey!

Unlike electronic devices, books and magazines don’t require batteries or charging and offer uninterrupted entertainment.

When traveling, you may spend hours at the airport or on a plane and reading can provide you the mental stimulation that can help pass the time. It also is a calming and stress-reducing activity, promoting relaxation and alleviating anxiety or restlessness during a flight.

This activity requires focus and concentration, which can help you forget about the distractions of air travel and become absorbed in the content. It’s a simple and accessible way to make your journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.