Reseñas divertidas de Amazon que te harán reír hasta llorar

Una vez que ingresas a la sección de reseñas de un producto, nunca sabes qué encontrarás. ¡Hemos recopilado las reseñas más divertidas de Amazon para ti!


The skateboarding bulldog

A bulldog learning how to skateboard – deleted user/Reddit

He looks like the coolest skateboarder out there! 

Finding a bulldog practicing skateboarding in the reviews section of a skateboard is definitely something I wouldn’t expect. However, I am very glad this review exists and I hope he has an Instagram account to doccument his skateboarding progress!

We know navigating the reviews section is always surprising, and we don’t really know what we will get until we are there, but there are so many wholesome surprises! 

Adding pictures of your pets side by side with the purchased product, whatever it is, should be mandatory in every review section!