Reseñas divertidas de Amazon que te harán reír hasta llorar

Una vez que ingresas a la sección de reseñas de un producto, nunca sabes qué encontrarás. ¡Hemos recopilado las reseñas más divertidas de Amazon para ti!


Ok, I got indecisive

Very different book reviews – @cambadgrrl/Reddit

This image summarizes perfectly how the experience of reading is unique to each person. 

Book reviews are so hard to help you decide whether you want to read the book or not because, even though you already know some things about the book, there are many personal factors that define whether each person likes a book or not. 

As we have detailed before, there is the objective reviewers group who will leave the shortest reviews with the most direct information possible. When it comes to a book, describing them as the best or the worst does not really help other potential buyers to make up their minds.

But one thing is for sure here; it would be amazing to see these two readers arguing with each other on why they have such strong — and extreme — opinions about the same book. Let’s schedule a debate, maybe?