Reseñas divertidas de Amazon que te harán reír hasta llorar

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Definitely: a cat

A cat with a label written ‘a car’ in it – @moonbelle294/Reddit

‘It’s great I guess’. The cat just looks so done!

The fact that someone is happy about labeling things and receiving the label maker they purchased is already wholesome by itself. However, this person takes it to the next level of cuteness by labeling their cat! 

Although this falls into the funny reviewers group, they don’t leave their review responsibility behind and are very honest about the fact that the label does not adhere well to their cat’s fur. Oliver looks so displeased with the situation; 

I guess it isn’t the first time their owner stuck a label onto him! Still, I hope he knows his sacrifice to provide an insightful and relevant review of the label maker has not been in vain! We now know that this label maker does not adhere properly to cats and will be more mindful of future purchases.