Los proyectos más raros que hemos visto jamás: los fracasos del bricolaje

Cuando trabajas en un proyecto de bricolaje, puedes expresarte y dejar que la creatividad tome el control. Sin embargo, a veces las cosas pueden salirse un poco de control. Echa un vistazo a los fracasos de bricolaje más extraños.


Car with mini cars

A car made with tiny cars – @UserP2DBB/Reddit

A car made of cars! This DIY project is so meta; it’s kind of poetic.

I guess whoever did this can be considered quite passionate about cars, right? And it looks like a lot of work as well.

First of all, collecting all of these mini cars (I wonder how many there are). Then, gluing them one by one and making sure they are aligned and well attached so they won’t fly around when the car starts moving. 

This DIY project is one of the most passionate projects I have ever seen.